Again, the intensity of this feeling is so strong, irresistible and inevitable...
My life is going to engulf by sorrow, it's so torturing and suffocating. I'm going to asphyxiate in this environment, I wanna go away, to ignore all these feelings, ignore those words, ignore those scenes, ignore everything...
I expected too much. Expecting has amplified disappointment. I shouldn't think so much, expect so much, I should just let it go, ignore everything...then my life will be better...
My heart is so weary, I don't have strength to fight for it anymore, I'm dread to lay a finger on these things anymore...Seriously, I haven't recovered from the nightmare 4 years ago...I need many people now...Bibi, Tayshawn, Wenhao...I'm dying for hugs from them...
I need ears, I miss my best listener, where are you? I lost one of them, Sorry for being childish...Can you come back?
Now, what I can do is laughing. Laugh can dissimulate everything...Laughing is the remedy, the elixir...
"Hahahahahaha...Hahahahahahaha" Do you know how much sorrow are ensconced in this laughter?
PS: I forgot to mention, my hamster gave birth today...Five babies...
PS*: Bibi, I know you always is my listener...
hey, tho i've no idea what sorrow ure havin.. but cheer up dude! everything will be ok as time goes by. u have my back :)